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Attention all songwriters and producers who create songs for artists signed by record labels under Universal Music Group, Sony Music Group, or Warner Music Group! 

Despite the industry's claims that it's not possible to unionize because we're classified as independent contractors, we believe songwriters and producers are misclassified and are in serious need of a union for the reasons below:

  • The U.S. government regulates songwriters' and producers' wages like an employee, but they're classified as independent contractors who are free to set their pay.

  • Songwriters are classified as independent contractors but aren't contracted for their services.

  • Abuse runs rampant in the music industry, and Songwriters and Producers have no protection.

  • Songwriters don't make a livable wage in the streaming era.

  • Songwriters are only paid royalties if a song they wrote is released; payment can take up to two years to come in.

  • Songwriters and Producers are not compensated for their services or time.

  • Many songs are released before the business is agreed upon and completed, which can further slow down royalty payments.

Do you want to increase your income and access benefits like health insurance and protection? Sign a Union Authorization Card today to make your voice heard. We aim to initiate the union election process with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) by June 15, 2024. Let's work together and prove to the NLRB that songwriters and producers deserve a union.

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